Support for production rearrangement by increasing thawing process capacity
Our client, Atria Sweden, was rearranging their operations in the Southern region of Sweden, and with a significant portion of the production from the Malmö factory being transferred to Sköllersta, increasing the thawing capacity at the Sköllersta factory became critical for the optimal functioning of the production process.
Atria Sweden had already been using Kometos Finncold MTC-15 thawing system, and now there was a need for a larger solution. The client had been extremely satisfied with the equipment, and with the good thawing results achieved with Kometos’ thawing system, production efficiency had improved.

Minimizing thawing losses with right thawing method
Based on the experiences from previous years, the client wanted to continue the collaboration with Kometos, even though more inexpensive thawing solutions were available on the market. The client was however particularly pleased with the Kometos systems’ user-friendliness, minimal loss, and consistently gained final product quality after the thawing process. Project Manager of Atria Sweden, Sven-Åke Axelsson, who was responsible for the procurement, says:
We had worked with Kometos thawing units for several years with very good results. Since we had worked with Kometos before, we knew they have extensive experience in thawing and good support from the beginning to the end of the project – and after it. So it was an easy decision to again choose their solution.”
Quality thawing system optimizes the production
Kometos delivered Atria Sweden four Finncold MTS-24 thawing systems. The efficiency of the thawing solution and the support it provided for the optimization of the production became topical almost immediately after Kometos’ installation, testing, and training:
We had only been using the thawing system for a couple of months when it had already exceeded my expectations, especially in terms of thawing time:
frozen pork can be thawed from -18 to -2 degrees Celsius in seven hours. Still, despite the fast thawing, the quality of the products thawed is excellent and there is hardly any loss in the weight.”
Atria Sweden’s goal for the project was to take over production from the old Malmö factory and to enable further expansion of the product range at the new factory in Sköllersta. According to Axelsson, these goals have already been met:
As these units have good efficiency, we have fully achieved our goals. The new thawing solution is efficient, but at the same time gentle on the raw material, and it supports our processes well.”