Kometos on the path to Azerbaijan market
There aren’t many places left in the world, where Kometos has not made deliveries in its 30-year history, but only a moment ago, Azerbaijan was one such place. Now, however, our new client M&T LTD has discovered the Kometos thawing solutions via Google Search, and so the MTS-6 thawing system will be delivered through Turkey by trucks.
In the last decade, Azerbaijan made significant investments in the development of its food industry, already making the country a substantial location for the leading suppliers in the Caspian region and Europe. Our new client M&T LTD has also represented Danish Crown in the Republic of Azerbaijan since 1995.
As the soil in the Caucasus region has never been favourable for diverse agriculture, Azerbaijan has relied on the import of many foodstuffs. Over the past years, Azerbaijan has nevertheless managed to develop its agriculturally feasible areas and in 2021, the export of processed agricultural products in addition to domestic production increased by almost 50 million dollars. Tomatoes, fresh and peeled fruit were the biggest exports.
Next, Azerbaijan strives to increase the diversity of both its domestic and export products. The country is currently making investments in industrial companies, incl. processing of meat, butter, sugar and canned fruit and vegetables. In this way, Azerbaijan also aims at greater independence from imported products, becoming a potential future market for Kometos as well.