Botswana slaughterhouse installed
At the end of June, the installation of a slaughterhouse delivered to Tsabong by Kometos ended. The installation was carried out by a four-man team of Kometos under the direction of installation manager Juha Leppinen. “We flew through South Africa to Gaborone in Botswana, from where we continued by car about 500 km to Tsabong,” Leppinen says. Our partner, IPS Africa, helped us in transportation, accommodation and other practical arrangements.
The transport from the Kometos factory to Tsabong took 60 days; in the photo below the convoy is 23.5.22 parked east of Windhoek Airport. The most challenging part was the road transport of nearly 1,500 kilometres from Walvis Bay in Namibia to Tsabong. The roofs of the modules on top of the transport trailers were about in six meters! Despite of heavy transportation, the modules were undamaged; this gives an idea of the flexibility and durability of the ST-Sandwish elements of Kometos.
Again, the installation of the plant worked quickly and effortlessly; the installation of five (5) slaughterhouse modules took approximately two weeks.
The construction of the slaughterhouse is now continuing in other respects and perhaps already in the autumn we will get pictures of the finished slaughterhouse.